A letter from Ilse artsbridgeamerica

I’m proud to announce that this year marks the 10-Year Anniversary of artsbridgeamerica! My mission has always been to bring my work to life in different mediums and it’s been so exciting to see how many artforms my work has taken on throughout the years. 

During covid, me and my family decided to move to Nayarit, Mexico, a small jungle town, where we are surrounded by nature. Being in this peaceful location has inspired my creative process, and allowed me to approach art in new and exciting ways. 

In this new era of artsbridgeamerica, my focus will be on paintings, hand-drawn illustrations, prints, murals, sculptures, art books, games and collectible figures.

I’m currently redesigning the website and we’re clearing out all of our existing inventory. We just launched a final sale and this will be the last chance to pick up any remaining memorabilia before it’s gone forever. 

My wonderful team and I would like to thank you for your love and support throughout the years and I can’t wait to show you what I’m working on next!

Warmest hugs,

Ilse artsbridgeamerica

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